Friday, February 3, 2012

Why I Would Put a Bumper Sticker on a Ferrari

   I've been thinking about starting a blog for a while, I mean who doesn't want to read about the life of an average college student, but I never knew what I would say. Today I read this article and I couldn't let it go.
   I understand where the author is trying to go with the article. She seems to be trying to point out that our body is a temple and that we should preserve it for the future but every point she brought up was superficial. She never said that women should be getting college degrees instead of tattoos. Or that we should be raising families. Or helping the poor. As a college student at a fairly conservative univeristy with two tattoos, one of which is very large and visible, I understand the backlash that can come with tattoos and the judgement that comes with them. I also know that I signed up for that. Someone once explained that getting a visible tattoo is like wearing a brightly colored dress every day. You liked the dress in the store, it was really comfy and fit perfectly so you bought it. You took that bright dress home and put it on and never took it off. Everyone wants to talk to you about your dress and you can't escape it.
   I knew what I was getting into when I became heavily tattooed at such a young age but I never prepared myself for how bad people could make me feel for something that makes me so happy. Someone asked me out on a date once based solely on the fact that I had a tattoo and then he didn't believe me when I told him I don't do drugs and that I go to church. He had a very narrow view of who a tattooed individual is. I want to get my degree, become successful in my field, get married, have a family, travel the world all while collecting more tattoos along the way. Tattoos are a part of my journey and I could't image it any other way. I respect the authors opinion just as she should respect mine.
   I want to be an old lady in the nursing home playing the Guess What this Tattoo Used to Be game.

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